Watching your brave kiddo explore their gender identity can bring up all the emotions. Confusion, denial, fear, sadness and even grief. How you respond in those first interactions can make all the difference. This resource guide can help as you navigate this important time in your child’s life.
Words matter! LGBTQ+ Terms to Know
First Steps
Call your local children’s hospital to access resources for transgender youth.
Ask about LGBTQ+ therapists who specialize in transgender, non-binary, gender diverse youth.
Read books, listen to podcasts, follow safe social media accounts (Check our Resources tab for suggestions)
Know your state laws and how they legislate gender affirming care and mental healthcare services. Start with this map from HRC
Other helpful resources (check our Resource pages for a more robust list)
Being in community with other parents who are or have gone through a similar journey is important for your support and mental health. Here is a good starting point…
Check with your local children’s hospital gender clinic. They may offer support groups for family members as well as your child. They may also know of safe support groups in your area. Cincinnati-area support groups
Consider personal and family therapy for you, your partner, and siblings. How to Find LGBTQ+ Therapists
Find a local PFLAG, TransParent, Mama Bears, Free Mom Hugs chapter
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