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Love Wins...Except When It Doesn't

Today was a traumatizing day for parents of trans kids in Ohio. We're fast on our way to becoming Florida Jr. The gender affirming care ban, Don't Say Gay bill, transgender athlete ban--all moved forward today in the Ohio Legislature. In such a gerrymandered, deep red state (this is a new reality for us--I long for those days of being a purple swing state), there's little hope our beautiful trans kiddos don't come out of this unscathed.

With my stress at an all-time high, I took my evening walk to calm down and clear my head. It's Pride month and so there are 4 houses dripping rainbows (we have the gayest house on the block of course), and one has a giant 'LOVE WINS" display in their yard. On any other day, this would make me smile and lift my hands in a glorious Hallelujah. But today, it falls flat.

Love wins...except when it doesn't.

Love doesn't provide hormone therapy.

Love doesn't save my child from wanting to end her life.

Love doesn't stop harmful legislation.

Love doesn't protect our kids in bathrooms.

Love doesn't preserve our freedom to seek medical treatment for our child.

Today didn't feel like winning to me.

Sometimes, love just isn't enough.

The best way to show love to trans families right now is ACTION. Visit our Advocacy page on to see how you can help. Remember...Allyship is a verb. (It's also a great podcast...check it out!)

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